December 28th, 2022

5 Ways to Find Topics to Rank First On Google For

1. Use keyword research tools

Keyword research is a vital part of any good content strategy. Tools such as Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs, to identify keywords and phrases that are relevant to your business and that have a high search volume and low competition.

2. Use search engine results pages

Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) to identify the types of content and formats that are ranking well for your target keywords and phrases, and use this information to create similar, high-quality content for your website.

3. Use tools

Use tools such as BuzzSumo, to identify the most popular and engaging content for your target keywords and phrases, and use this information to create similar, high-quality content for your website.

4. Social Media

Use social media, forums, blogs, and other online communities to identify the challenges, needs, and preferences of your target audience, and use this information to create content that provides solutions, insights, and value to your audience.

5. Find Trends

Use tools, such as Google Trends, to identify trends and developments in your industry, and use this information to create timely and relevant content that addresses the current needs and challenges of your target audience.


There are many ways to find topics to rank first on Google for. By using keyword research tools, SERPs, popular content, audience insights, and industry trends, businesses can identify topics that are relevant, engaging, and valuable to their target audience, and they can create high-quality content that is optimized for search engines. By investing in SEO and content marketing, businesses can improve their chances of ranking first on Google, and they can drive greater awareness, engagement, and results for their business.

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